
Two institutes, 60 experts – one speech technology

Our developer team is made up of more than 60 scientists and experts from various specialist fields, from two institutes, who have joined forces to ensure the success of Allinga speech technologies. In a close-knit team, we develop modules in component groups for speech recognition, natural language understanding and speech synthesis, as well as for data management and user experience.

Our speech-technology experts in their own words


“Natural, intuitive and efficient – speech is often the easiest means of interaction with one another.”

Ulrike Stiefelhagen, Voice User Interface Designer, Fraunhofer IAIS



“On a personal level, I’m happy that the Fraunhofer Institutes are developing technologies that protect my data. And as a scientist, I am proud to be contributing to that.”

Dr. Birgit Brüggemeier, Expert in Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Fraunhofer IIS



“Companies need their own training data. But since many of them don’t have a large enough, representative data set to use, we help them find tailored solutions.”

Dr. Alessandra Zarcone, Expert in Natural Language Processing, Fraunhofer IIS



“For the UX Team, the users are the real focus. Our biggest motivation is developing intuitive technologies which meet the requirements of the market.”

Maria del Mar Zumaya, UX-Expert, Fraunhofer IAIS



“In the Data Team, we prepare intelligent data connectors and support the production of high-quality training data without unwanted bias.”

Dr. Diego Collarana, Component Manager “Data & Knowledge Graphs”, Fraunhofer IAIS


Participating institutes

Fraunhofer IAIS

The Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems IAIS, based in Sankt Augustin near Bonn, Germany, is one of the leading scientific institutes in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Big Data in Germany and Europe.

With its more than 300 employees, the institute supports companies in optimizing products, services, processes and structures as well as in developing new digital business models. In this way, the Fraunhofer IAIS is shaping the digital transformation of our working and living environment.

Fraunhofer IIS

The Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS is a world-leading application-oriented research institute for microelectronic and IT system solutions and services. Today, it is the largest institute of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft.

The Fraunhofer IIS develops, realizes and optimizes processes, products and systems for its customers and partners from industry and the public sector right up until they are ready for use on the market.